Wednesday, December 22, 2021
Tuesday, December 14, 2021
Monday, December 06, 2021
Monday, November 29, 2021

Friday, November 19, 2021
Sunday, November 14, 2021
Saturday, November 06, 2021
Spectrum warfighters and the Electromagnetic Spectrum
I've got this thing in my head - a picture of a spectrum warfighter. Is it human, is it an enhanced human or is it a robot? The term 'warfighter' can be applied to a living and non-living entity, even an algorithm. The term 'warfighter' is actually a loaded term!
I have painted a few spectrum warfighters recently* - for me, they are entities that use the electromagnetic spectrum [EMS] as a means of fighting wars, in the broadest sense. This could mean as a fixed or moving enabling node in a networked system of interoperable systems and hardware. It could also mean something more, for example, as a disseminator of information or disinformation. It could mean jamming or interrupting an adversary's signals. The spectrum warfighter, whether human or not, is an integral part of contemporary war, in all its iterative and often concurrent manifestations - grey zone, hybrid, cyber. information and kinetic warfare.
Spectrum Warfighter 2
In my new painting Spectrum Warfighter 2 I have painted VR [virtual reality] goggles that wrap around the warfighter's head. This reflects upon military interest in augmented and integrated visual aides for things like improved situational awareness. Integrated means that the goggles can be, for example, wifi connected to other sensors carried by the warfighter, and also connected to other close or remote warfighters/hardware. Goggles can also be connected to firearms...
My spectrum warfighter hovers, as if suspended in the sky or space, or maybe its an image on a computer screen? The warfighter's body is not complete. Maybe its torso is a visual metaphor for a system of warfighting, like a logo? Maybe my warfighter is injured, a real or metaphoric casualty? Maybe the warfighter is simply appearing out of a mist? I'll let you wonder on about the possibilities!
Spectrum Warfighting and the Metaverse
My warfighter also has no face or facial features that can help us work out whether it is human, robotic or an avatar. Facial features are obscured by the augmenting goggles, and what might be a balaclava-like hood. Who knows! Your guess is as good as mine!
If my spectrum warfighter is a 'portrait' of an avatar, maybe it is ready for wars in the Metaverse?
*More Spectrum Warfighters:
Biped and Quadruped Warfighters
Theatre of War: Spectrum Access
Spectrum Warfighting: Invisibility
Monday, October 25, 2021
Recent news of a weaponised quadruped robot caught my interest - and dismay.
But, was I surprised? No.
Biped and Quadruped: Warfighters
My new painting Biped and Quadruped
Warfighters places two figures in circles against a violent red background
'landscape'. The human-like torso is equipped with multiple sensors and
antennae. Here, I have also 'played' with Microsoft's recently touted
networkable military grade
goggles that use an 'Integrated Visual Augmentation System' to enhance
soldier situational awareness. The other figure is a robotic weaponised quadruped - I
refuse to call it a dog!
Is the human-like torso actually a human being, or is it also a robot, or an anthropomorphised representation of a system? You decide!
I placed each figure in a circle to denote their compliance with a network, with a 'cloud'. This refers to a few other recent paintings. Two examples are Theatre of War: Infrared and Theatre of War: Everywhere Cloud
The quadruped warfighter seems to lead the other warfighter - they both face the same direction. The quadruped leads as a lethal scout.
Recurring Question
I have lots more to say! - but a recurring question I have is - How do we memorialise when the warfighter was never alive?
Tuesday, October 19, 2021
Monday, October 11, 2021
Gouache & Watercolour on Paper 2021
Artist’s Statement: Kathryn Brimblecombe-Fox
Paradox was
inspired by Group Captain Jo Brick’s essay “Kill the Enemy, and Don’t Forget to
Buy Milk on the Way Home”. The painting evokes the sense of liminality
experienced by remote drone pilots who fight wars and insurgencies in distant
countries from inside home-based ground control stations. While inside these
bunkers they are at war. Upon leaving the bunker, they re-enter domestic life.
As Brick notes “their psychological existence occupies both war and peace”. The
ongoing rhythm of this existence creates a liminal zone where the pilot’s psyche
grapples with seemingly unreconcilable paradoxes. This agitation is deepened by
experiences of witnessing, perpetrating and perpetuating scopic intimacies of
surveillance, identification, targeting and killing.
The circles
in Paradox link and overlap in ways that draw the drone pilot, the
drone, and the surveilled or targeted, together. This occurs against a vast
sky, or could it be a seascape? This depends on the viewer’s perspective. A
sense of flying, hovering, floating is suggested. Are you a pilot, maybe a
drone, a bird or even an intergalactic space traveler passing by Earth? Perhaps
you are a target, living a precarious life on the edge of life and death? A melancholic
kind of resignation is felt as clouds semi-obscure details. These clouds act as
visual metaphors for liminality. They also act as metaphors for the
contemporary ‘cloud’ of networked, interconnected and interoperable militarised
and militarise-able technologies. This techno-cloud is the drone pilot’s
operational space. The colour red disrupts melancholia with warnings of
violence. The red squares denote computer screens, ‘windows’ into the scoped
lives of the targeted. The red tinged clouds speak to violence, blood and death;
reminding us of corporeality in a techno-world. The human-like outline indicates
the presence of a human in the loop, but can we be sure of this? It may be a
Sunday, October 03, 2021
Saturday, September 25, 2021
Wingman (MQ-28 Ghost Bat) Oil on linen 97 x 115 cm 2020
This online 'exhibition' was launched in September 2021. Since then I have made a few updates. In late March 2022 the Loyal Wingman drone was renamed the MQ-28 Ghost Bat. Here's a Boeing Youtube Video and an article in Defence Connect online about the rename.
2024 UPDATE:
I have added two more paintings that feature my versions of Ghost Bat drones. One is Force Multiplication and the other Ghost Sky .
WINGMAN (MQ-28 GHOST BAT): Online exhibition.
September 2021
What prompted me to curate this online exhibition?
A few days ago it was announced that the Royal Australian Air Force and Boeing jointly developed Loyal Wingman drone [MQ-28 Ghost Bat] is proposed to be assembled at the Aerospace and Defence precinct at Wellcamp airport, near Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia. You can read the Queensland Government media statement here.
Wellcamp - Toowoomba
I know the Wellcamp area, but it has changed a lot in recent years! Since local Toowoomba company Wagners built the international airport at Wellcamp, Toowoomba has become a major hub, other than for boarding schools, retired country folk, and specialist medical help. I grew up on my parent's grain farm outside Dalby, about an hour west of Toowoomba. I went to school in Toowoomba for the last part of my secondary schooling. My maternal grandfather's family had a property at Drayton, not far from Wellcamp. My paternal grandmother grew up on a farm very close to Wellcamp, on the other side of Gowrie Mt. My paternal grandfather's first property, after returning from WW1 [Light Horse], was also close by.
As regular readers know I have been researching airborne drones, surveillance systems, and increasingly autonomous systems, for over six years [Update 2024: now nine years]. My current PhD [conferred December 2023] research examines [examined] increasing military interest in the electromagnetic spectrum [EMS] as an enabler of technology, a type of fires [weapon], a manoeuvre space and a domain. The EMS is also an enabler of civilian technology ie: communication, GPS, Internet, Cloud storage, security systems and so much more. So, my PhD research also examines [examined] how signal-enabled connectivity, interconnectivity, and interoperability of systems and devices exposes civilian technology to appropriation by state or non-state militarising forces.
* My PhD thesis is available at Curtin University's [Western Australia] e-space, Drones, Signals, and the Techno-Colonisation of Landscape.
Wingman (Ghost Bat) Paintings
Last year [2020] I started painting images that included the Loyal Wingman drone, Australia's first manufactured military aircraft in over fifty years. Described as a 'gamechanger' in drone technology, the Loyal Wingman [MQ-28 Ghost Bat] is designed to accompany crewed fighter jets. There is a plethora of online commentary about the Ghost Bat drone's capabilities, which include, autonomous
functions, enhanced electronic and electromagnetic capabilities, advanced multi-sensor capabilities, and stealth
design. Interchangeable nose-cones will provide payload dexterity across a crewed and uncrewed teamed mission. The drone is also export-able.
In 2019 I wrote a post Pay Attention: The Drones Are Here where I first mention the Loyal Wingman drone.
While informed by extensive research, my paintings are speculative and imaginative. They are the result of what I call 'imaginational metaveillance', a 'flight' into imagined cosmic perspectives. This 'flight' is taken without the aid of augmenting or simulation technology. With the benefit of imagined distance, what anomalies can we see as we fly around and beyond drones and their support infrastructure? I say we because I invite you to 'fly' in your imagination too.
The paintings are chronologically displayed, from the first to the most recent
Each painting in the exhibition has a hyperlinked title. Please click on these to read my previous posts about each painting.
Theatre of War: Photons Do Not Care Oil on linen 92 x 112 cm 2021

WINGMAN: List of Paintings
Wingman April 2020
Theatre of War September 2020
Theatre of War: Terrain Visualisation October 5 2020
Theatre of War: Smart Team October 10 2020
Theatre of War: Pattern Recognition October 27 2020
Verified Landing Site April 2021
Future Memory May 2021
Artificial Trees: Pulling the Future Towards Us June 2021
Theatre of War: Photons Do Not Care July 2021
Ghost Shadows February 2023
Ghost Sky November 2023
Force Multiplication December 2023