Monday, February 16, 2015


Code oil on linen 60 x 110 cm 2015
Pulsing, unnatural colours create an artificial looking environment. Some of the tree's branches appear to be sections of a computer motherboard. One branch twists its way across the unreal sky. As it curls into a small twist it ends with painted binary code 'instructing' LIFE. 

There are a couple of movies coming out soon that I'm really looking forward to seeing. One is called Chappie from District 9 director Neil Blomkamp.

The other movie is called Ex Machina directed by Alex Garland.

Both  movies are stories involving artificial general intelligence, robots and human reactions to them.

Both movies are being screened at a time when serious discussions about artificial intelligence [AI] and potential artificial general intelligence [AGI] are occurring around the world. These discussions are taking place at various new scientific and philosophical research centres eg: Centre for the Study of Existential Risk at Cambridge University. 

There are potential advantages, and  also potential major risks associated with accelerating developments in artificial intelligence, and possible future super artificial intelligence. What may have been considered scifi ten or more years ago, is no longer a tenant of the impossible. 

Last week I saw another movie... Kingsman: The Secret Service I loved it...a spy spoof, with Colin Firth as one of the leading characters. But, there are links to the discussion about technology's capability to transform/change humanity. In the movie a super-rich malevolent megalomaniac attempts to take control of human free-will via implants triggered by sensors activated in mobile phones. In a way, his deranged intelligence, coupled with his immense technological power, are metaphors for  the fears and hopes surrounding AI and AGI. We also see low Earth orbit satellite destruction, remote control of vehicles and a lot more techno gadgetry; much of it spoofing James Bond movies.

Yet, like a couple of other movies I have recently written about  [Interstellar and The Hunger Games], Kingsman: The Secret Service channels fears of existential risk. It's not overt, but it pervades as a background resonance. Rather than spoiling the movie for those who have not seen it, all I will say is that existential risk caused by climate change is a catalyst for the story. This is essentially the same catalyst for the story that unfolds in Interstellar. Each movie takes entirely different storytelling paths though.

The existential or catastrophic risks and fears associated with AI and AGI seem to drive Chappie and Ex Machina. I am particularly looking forward to Chappie as I have seen a few previews and I am fascinated that even in a few minutes Chappie's 'personality' was obvious. Chappie is an 'intelligent' robot. But, even though Chappie is clearly a robot, the moviemakers have successfully utilised anthropomorphising techniques [beyond making it a biped with head and arms] to create a character with personality, intelligence and seeming sentience. For example, in the previews, we see the robot engaging with a dog, just like a human would. And, we see the robot drawing, en plein air, a picture of a car it is observing. Portraying a robot to relate to an animal, particularly a dog [humankind's best friend], and creating 'art' are clever ways to anthropomorphise! I gather that in Ex Machina a scene where the intelligent robot, Ava, is drawing is also pivotal. Yet, there is a danger in anthropomorphising robots, AI, AGI etc...I think anyway. By doing so we project ourselves onto the robot/AI. That projection is a kind of wishful thinking with all its inherent blind spots!
Meeting Place Of The Mind Oil on linen 100 x 70 cm

I am keen to see what Chappie does with its drawing. I am also keen to see Ava's drawing. Why? Because there's drawing - and then there's drawing! Yet, there must be something about art and creating art that we humans understand as an essential sign of  being human. So, if a machine can 'create' art then it must pass THE TEST [Turing Test]. But as I wrote above, there's drawing - and then there's drawing...rendering something perfectly with technical and realistic virtuosity is not necessarily art or creative. What would happen if the robot/AI made a mistake, how would it problem solve? Indeed, maybe making a mistake would be a sign of human-ness?


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