Friday, February 25, 2011


                                             Becoming The Light Oil on linen 160 x 120 cm

My exhibition 'Vortex: Seeking Stillness At its Core' is keeping me busy. There's been a steady flow of visitors and some sales too! The opening night went really well, with around 100 or so people atttending. 

Check out page 6 of the Brisbane News...a small 'SnapShot' article about the exhibition:

The painting above is called 'Becoming The Light'. I finished it just a few days before the exhibition opened. A figure is inside the vortex core embraced by light which errupts from the vortex peak in a tree-of-life cascade. The stillness at the vortex core has been sought and found, and in so doing the figure is not only embraced by light but becomes light, thus illuminating the way.

The Beginning Of Everything Oil on linen 90 x 180 cm



@ VORTEX: Seeking Stillness At Its Core


DATE: Saturday 26 February.
TIME: 3 PM – 3.45 pm and drinks afterwards.

Painting for Kathryn Brimblecombe-Fox is a spiritual event. Her work has a lyrical optimism that emanates from the beauty of the work itself and from the poetic nature of her supporting texts. Her personal oeuvre is both intelligent and understated. It comes with a big agenda-to make the world a better place in which to live. A daunting goal: but for Brimblecombe-Fox, optimism is a state of mind-a matter of choice- a way of always moving forward. This means her painting is ethically driven, politically informed and aesthetically pleasing. Dr. Christine Dauber

VORTEX: Seeking Stillness At Its Core

• Exploring the possibility of stillness in the vortex core where we can listen to things we did not know could be heard, see things we did not know could be seen and feel things we did not know could be felt. As we live locally in an increasingly globalised world new perspectives inspire compassion for self and others.

• Investigating the distance between the nano and cosmological, and thus revealing new perspectives.

• And...WATER...well how does water go down the plughole? As a farmer’s daughter Kathryn has an intense interest in the conversations and debates about water, its uses, value, commodification, infrastructure, sustainability. These are her ‘quiet activism’ paintings!

Online gallery @



MOB: 0409 059 018 PH: From Monday 21 Feb [07] 32542325


Monday, February 21, 2011


'VORTEX: Seeking Stillness At Its Core' is now up and ready for visitors. Doors open tomorrow, Tuesday 22 February at 10 am. The opening night is Wednesday 23 from 6-8 pm. The exhibition is open daily until Sunday 6 March 6 pm.

Where? Graydon Gallery, 29 Merthyr Rd, New Farm, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

* Artist's talk in discussion with Art Historian Dr. Christine Dauber is Saturday 26 February at 3 pm at the exhibition. For more details please visit:

The vortex core offers a place of stillness where we can hear things we did not know could be heard, see things we did not could be seen and feel things we did not know could be felt, thus…perhaps…inspiring questions we did not know to ask.

Here are some photos of the exhibition!



L to R - Portal and Compassion

The photo above shows my Australia 'quiet activism paintings. L to R - GAB: Great Artesian Basin, Underground Currency, Murray Darling Currency and Commodified  

                                 L to R - Galaxial Landscape and Cosmic Frisson

If you are in Brisbane over the next 2 weeks pop in to see VORTEX.


Thursday, February 17, 2011


                                Portal Oil on linen 36 x 36 cm

My exhibition VORTEX: Seeking Stillness At Its Core opens to the public next Tuesday, with the opening night on Wednesday 23rd 6-8 pm. So, countdown.

The subtitle of Seeking Stillness At Its Core is the important bit for me. I am not interested in portraying depictions of the outer vortex, the cataclysmic, catastrophic or just the plain mayhem of everyday life. After all, there's enough in the general media to keep reminding us...over and over again.

I am interested in exploring potential in stillness. To find stillness, one part of the process is to consciously let go of the negative and unhelpful. These can be beliefs, people, experiences, emotions and so on. Merely ignoring them is not enough because they have an annoyingly irritating habit of surfacing when least wanted ! Letting go is a conscious elision which entails an acknowledgement and then a 'good bye'.

Once let go, negativity exists only in absentia. Lessons learnt and insights gained salute all experience, both negative and positive. In stillness we can reflect upon this knowledge, and in the process create and see new knowledge. Indeed, knowing who we are not, certainly helps us know who we are.

Portal [above] created with two trees which meet in a flash of light, could be the opening into a vortex core. Or maybe the vortex has been cut in cross section enticing the viewer into the stillness. The wreath-like appearance of the circle of trees, hints at a rememberance and acknowledgement of those things which we have let go, in order to become still.

Indeed, to become still, I do think we need more than an action of letting go. This action requires imagination, as does being in stillness. Imagination is the propellor and beauty is the conductor. Beauty offers hope. Beauty is not a vacuuous prettiness because it holds the pathos of true knowledge, as it elides ugliness it knows it exists in absentia. Beauty itself is a portal.

I have written about beauty previously:


I am being interviewed on radio on Sunday 20 Feb at around 12.30 pm. Richard Lancaster's 'Intoto' programme on Radio 99.7 FM. Tune in! I've been interviewed by Richard a few times before, for my own exhibitions or for a festival I was often a spokesperson for. He's a great interviewer and very relaxed.

VORTEX: Seeking Stillness At Its Core
Gradon Gallery
29 Merthyr Rd
New Farm, Brisbane Queensland, Australia

Dates Tuesday 22 Feb - Sunday 6 March
Open Daily 10 am - 6 pm
OPENING NIGHT Wednesday 23 Feb 6-8 pm

On Saturday 26 February from 3-4 pm, at Graydon Gallery, there will be an Artist's talk with artist Kathryn Brimblecombe-Fox in discussion with Dr. Christine Dauber [PhD Art History, University of Qld].


Monday, February 14, 2011


Commodified Oil on linen 30 x 30 cm 2011

PARADISE @ Purgatory Artspace Melbourne
'Paradise' is open to the public from Thursday 8 September! The opening night is Friday 9 September 6-8 pm. The exhibition dates are 8 September - 8 October, 11 am - 5 pm Tuesday to Saturday at PURGATORY ARTSPACE, 170 Abbotsford St, North Melbourne.

'COMMODIFIED' Oil on linen 30 x 30 cm 2011
The painting is obviously a map of Australia, but upon closer scrutiny the viewer will discern that the 'map' is created with small $ signs. Regular readers of this BLOG will know that I use small $ signs to depict water, soil etc to pose or stimulate questions about how we 'value' our land. I deliberately make the $ signs small so that from a distance the viewer does not discern them, but when the viewer is close the $ signs become clearly apparent. This play with distance asks questions such as, 'Have you noticed?' It plays with the responsibility we all have to negotiate distance as we live locally in an increasingly globalised world. AND, I don't mean just physical distance, but temporal, cultural, emotional and spiritual.

I am deeply concerned about the sustainability of prime and strategic farmland in Australia. An enslaught of rapid and hectic activity from mining companies, especially coal seam gas miners, threatens this sustainability. I am anti any kind of activity that threatens water sustainability, strategic and prime food producing farmland. With a burgeoning population the world needs to maintain its farmlands in order to feed people. After all, you cannot flick the light switch if you've expired from hunger! Governments need to ensure prime farmlands, and the farmers who farm them, are protected from invasive mining activities. These include those activities that threaten above and below ground water supplies and quality, soil health, and efficient and environmentally sound farming practices. Regular readers will know that I have written about these before. Here are some links to previous posts:

Governments must prioritise food sustainability for obvious humane reasons, but also for political stability. Hungry stomachs make for angry hearts, and angry hearts make for civil unrest and worse.

'Commodified' is a simple looking painting...indeed it did not take as long as some of my more intricate ones, but it speaks of the madness erupting across parts of Qld and NSW [indeed across the globe! Have you seen 'Gasland'?] with regards to potential degradation of farmlands by mining activities. This madness is what I see as the outer VORTEX, the chaotic whirlwind that does not allow for contemplation and considered scrutiny...or for a scientific analysis of risk. Two soil scientists who spoke at the public forum on the CSG industry, which I attended at the University of Queensland late last year, both started their presentations describing what's happening as 'madness'. Here's the link to my post about the forum:


Wednesday, February 09, 2011


BLOOD CONNECTION Oil on linen 80 x 140 cm

Life is getting to be a bit more normal after the Brisbane flood. Bigpond was restored on the weekend...and I've fallen back into my unhealthy habit of spending too much time hooked online. Well, probably not really! But being without internet for so long really highlighted how much time I spend at my computer.

On a broader picture, many people adversely affected by the floods, cyclones or fires here in Australia, are still without power, communication and other basic utilities. One friend has said to me that it amazes her how easily we fall into new patterns of survival when we have to...even if these patterns are accompanied by new or different stresses. Ultimately very exhausting though.

While I was offline I completed the painting above. I had started it before the flood and it, like all my other paintings on the ground floor, was stacked upstairs in case flood waters seeped into my house [thankfully the house remained dry!]. I took this painting back downstairs to my studio [aka garage] about a week after the flood. All the other paintings are still upstairs! Once I have my exhibition I'll get stuck into returning the house to its proper state!

The idea for this painting has been in my mind for some time. I wanted to create an image which brought the whole world together, an image that reminded us that we are connected across time and image that spoke of the connections we make in war and peace. In war it is the spilling of blood, the blood which knows no colour other than red, and is pumped through our bodies with a universal rhythm. Indeed a pulse, like breath, is a basic sign of life, not differentiated by race or culture.

As a child, watching various shows on tv I was intrigued by the concept of blood know...when two or more people would cut themselves and then rub the wounds together. As I write this description I am well aware that today this kind of activity could send parents, teachers into a frenzy of worry about such curses as HIV. However, in my childhood it stoked imaginations conjuring up visions of life long comradeship and loyalty.

So, Blood Connection is an image of the map of the world. My much loved transcultural/religious tree of life spills forth from the bottom left of the painting. It flourishes across the canvas pouring out the oceans in blue and the landmasses in blood red. The branches of the tree connect land and sea, the colour red connects each landmass, continent and country, to suggest the visceral and vascular qualities of a body, and the inevitible penetrability of manmade borders, those invisible demarkations that men and women fight to preserve at the behest of governments, ideologies, politics and religions . The world, becomes THE body. Blood spilled becomes the body of the Earth, leaving a memory trace of shared human existence through the loss of life...and tears. A metaphoric rubbing of wounds together....

The Earth as a body, appeals to me. Why? Well, like our human bodies the Earth is about 70% water. Of this percentage only 2% is freshwater, thus the great need to ensure we look after it. Maybe if we thought more of the Earth as a body we'd be less likely to plunder its resources with such gusto? Maybe risk factors would be more targeted and less broad...more scientific in risk analysis rather than business orientated in risk analysis?

Regular readers will know of my intense interest in water and its various issues. Indeed, water is quite topical here in Australia at the moment! But, it is always topical...we seem to either not have enough or we have too much! Growing up on a grain farm certainly taught me about the vagaries of water. As an adult living in Goondiwindi I learnt more about the commodification of water, its infrastructures, costs, ownership etc.

Blood Connection will be in my forthcoming exhibition VORTEX: Seeking Stillness At its Core. Indeed, the painting, whilst it 'speaks' of blood spilled, it also reminds us of the throbbing of life. In the space between loss and life, there exists a place to contemplate, a place of stillness, where we can possibly hear those things we did not know we could hear, see those things we did not know we could see and feel those things we did not know we could feel, ultimately revealing a compassion for self and others which may... just may...mean the end of war and the sustainability of peace.

I have painted a few other paintings which are maps created with my transcultural/religious tree of life. These paintings deal with water issues. This link will take you to an image and post called 'Underground Currency'. where there are links to other posts and images.

VORTEX: Seeking Stillness At Its Core
Graydon Gallery, 29 Merthyr Rd, New Farm, Brisbane
Tuesday 22 Febraury - Sunday 6 March
Open Daily 10 am - 6 pm


Thursday, February 03, 2011


Stillness Within Gouache on paper 30 x 42 cm

I still do not have my proper internet at home, but when I visiting the Telstra Shop today, for an unrelated reason, I mentioned I still did not have internet due to a continuing area Bigpond network outage...and I was given a 5 gigabyte Mobile WiFi device. So, I am reconnected and I am SO happy. I can now send out all my email invitations for my exhibition VORTEX: Seeking Stillness At Its Core. I have had them drafted in my draft folder for ages.

And, readers, I promise you I chose the title for the exhibition long before cyclones started pummeling an already pummelled Qld.

On Wednesday 12 January I evacuated from my house with the Brisbane River rising on one side and overflowing into low lying nearby parkland. Water had started filling my street from this overflow and also from gushing storm water drains. I had not gone to bed on Tuesday night because I was taking all that I could from downstairs to my upstairs...making sure there was some order to the chaos too. I had sandbagged external doors, my pool pumps had been detached and taken to higher ground. My car, and my daughter's car, were full of petrol and parked up the hill. My dog was at a friend's house. Friends were so wonderful!

But, to my great relief the water did not get into my house or yard. On Thursday morning when I gingerly waded through some water to ascertain my house's condition I was so thankful to see that me and my neighbours had been spared major damage. We are the lucky ones, as I know many people who suffered severe damage, and thus the interruption to lives, financial stress and so on.

On the weekend after the flood my street was inundated with volunteers, who helped with everything the flood had caused. I am so grateful to all those people who assisted me with shifting mud. I had fallen heavily on the Wednesday morning and ignored wounds on my ankle. Well... yes... they got infected and I needed antibiotics, and redressing of the wounds every second day at my doctor's surgery. I stuck a plastic bag over my foot, but it still did not allow me to get muddy in order to help all those who were helping me. The power came back on 6 days after I evacuated, and that was also the day my children returned home. I am so glad they were not here when I was madly preparing!

I am getting excited about my forthcoming show which opens in just under 3 weeks. The flood and aftermath forced me to stop painting for about 2 weeks, but I have taken my easel back downstairs to my studio...aka garage! Ah...yes...I am not moving everything else back until after the cyclone season! The sand bags are still guarding my doors!

VORTEX: Seeking Stillness At its Core
Graydon Gallery, 29 Merthyr Rd, New Farm, Brisbane
Tuesday 22 Feb - Sunday 6 March
Open Daily 10 am - 6 pm
Opening Night Wednesday 23 Feb 6-8 pm

Can We Eat Coal For Breakfast-NO! Gouache on paper 30 x 42 cm

@ VORTEX: Seeking Stillness At Its Core


DATE: Saturday 26 February.

TIME: 3 PM – 3.45 pm and drinks afterwards.

Painting for Kathryn Brimblecombe-Fox is a spiritual event. Her work has a lyrical optimism that emanates from the beauty of the work itself and from the poetic nature of her supporting texts. Her personal oeuvre is both intelligent and understated. It comes with a big agenda-to make the world a better place in which to live. A daunting goal: but for Brimblecombe-Fox, optimism is a state of mind-a matter of choice- a way of always moving forward. This means her painting is ethically driven, politically informed and aesthetically pleasing. Dr. Christine Dauber

VORTEX: Seeking Stillness At Its Core
• Exploring the possibility of stillness in the vortex core where we can listen to things we did not know could be heard, see things we did not know could be seen and feel things we did not know could be felt. As we live locally in an increasingly globalised world new perspectives inspire compassion for self and others.
• Investigating the distance between the nano and cosmological, and thus revealing new perspectives.
• And...WATER...well how does water go down the plughole? As a farmer’s daughter Kathryn has an intense interest in the conversations and debates about water, its uses, value, commodification, infrastructure, sustainability. These are her ‘quiet activism’ paintings!

Online gallery @

MOB: 0409 059 018 PH: From Monday 21 Feb [07] 32542325
