The welcome to the 'Space and Popular Culture' public event for the Southern Hemisphere Space Studies Program - International Space University [Strasbourg, France] and the University of Sth Australia. February 4, Adelaide, Sth Australia. Dr. John Connolly, Head of Space Studies at the International Space University and about to return to NASA to be Head of Mars Human Mission Planning. Picture thanks to Julia Featherstone
Space and Popular Culture
Last week I went to Adelaide to be one of four panellists for a public event 'Space and Popular Culture'. The event was for the Southern Hemisphere Space Studies Program from the International Space University [ISU: Strasbourg, France] and co-hosted at the University of Sth Australia.
The four panellists were space archaeologist Dr. Alice Gorman, me, underwater performance artist and Everest mountaineer, Dr. Sarah Jane Pell, and comedian and Mars One astronaut candidate Josh Richards.
Before I continue I highly recommend anyone interested in Space to look into the ISU programs around the world. They are immersive, cross disciplinary, rigourous and highly stimulating. There's a program in Israel this year that looks like it would be amazing.
Dr. Alice Gorman
Alice spoke about shadows. Fascinating topic to open the conversation. She used Giorgio de Chirico's 1914 painting L'enigme du jour to open her presentation. She has been studying Moon shadows looking at the shadows of abandoned artifacts. It's one way to tell that the object is still there. She also explained the significance of the astronaut boot-prints in the surface of the Moon. These photos are quite famous, but I never knew that the boots were designed to leave clear imprints where shadows could be detected easily. Alice finishes by drawing comparisons with the way shadows are viewed on Earth ie: more to do with dreams, fears etc. You can follow Alice on Twitter where she is known as DrSpaceJunk. She is a wealth of information and inspiration.
Space and Popular Culture video
Starts at 11.50 min mark.
Timing of the youtube video
The video action commences at 11.50 mins with the welcome from Dr. John Connolly, Director of Space Studies at the International Space University.
Dr Alice Gorman starts at 15.20 mins,
Me at 26.40 mins,
Dr Sarah Jane Pell starts at 41.24 mins,
Josh Richards at 1 hour.
Q & A at 1 hr 19 mins.
Click for
This is what they wrote about me:
Kathryn Brimblecome-Fox is a philosophical Brisbane-based visual artist who explores humanity through cosmic landscapes.
Kathryn Brimblecome-Fox is a philosophical Brisbane-based visual artist who explores humanity through cosmic landscapes.
Dr. Sarah Jane Pell
Sarah Jane spoke about her fascinating and very physical work as a performance artist and contemplation artist [I cannot think of a better term for someone who incorporates action and reflection in the way Sarah Jane does]. She had some amazing images of herself immersed in various liquids. She also spoke about her intentions for performative work on Mt Everest. Her work last year was interrupted by the earth quake in Nepal. She was in Katmandu at the time. She will return though. Her work, amongst many things, reveals much about the human body and mind under stresses of various kinds. Breath and breathing are of particular importance. She collects data in a way that signifies life's amazing forces. Sarah Jane will be heading for a suborbital flight [going to 103 km perigee, then falling back to Earth] in the not so distant future. Please check out her website HERE
Josh Richards
Josh spoke about his past in the military, his love of physics and his great desire to head for Mars. He is one of the 100 finalists for the Mars One Mission. Josh still has a few more hurdles to cross to get into the final 24, but he is a man who obviously confronts challenges with gusto and of course...humour. He is also a comedian! As I write this though, he is being housed in a glass box which has been placed on Circular Quay, Sydney. It is a simulated Mars habitat...well as much as one can achieve in down-town Sydney. He is there till Friday 12 February, 2016. You can read about it HERE
If you are in Sydney, check him out! Josh's enthusiasm is infectious.
Me chatting away! Left to Right Seated: Dr. Alice Gorman, Dr. Sarah Jane Pell and Josh Richards. Picture thanks to Julia Featherstone.
A still from the video. Me at the moment I talk about the repeating universal patterns of the tree. Yes, tapping my head when I mentioned that our dendritic system branches like a tree. Also, the word dendron in Ancient Greek means tree!
One day in Adelaide speaking to a crowd of people from around the world about how my paintings interact with a topic like 'Space and Popular Culture'...and...on my return home I am mowing the damn lawn! Not only once but twice...because the grass was so long I had to mow it with the blades up high and then again with the blades down low. This is Queensland for you...rain and sunshine and grass that seems to grow before your eyes! And, of course it's hot and humid, so pushing a mower around and getting grass clippings all over a sweaty body is not that enjoyable or attractive.
Just had a thought...there is no grass on Mars....that means no mowing lawns. Going to Mars is sounding a bit more enticing!
The following three paintings are examples of some of 1990s work. As you you can see my interest in the cosmic is not new.
Please check out more of my BLOG posts to see recent work.
Energy Mixed media on paper 76 x 56 cm 1993
Spirited Mixed media on paper 56 x 76 cm 1993
A Place In Time Mixed media on paper 56 x 76 cm 1993
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