This gouache on paper painting will be in my next exhibition "Prayers For The Planet: We are all the same" which opens in only 3 weeks on October 12 @ Doggett Street Gallery, Brisbane.
Your invitation is @ http://www.doggett.com.au/Art.aspx?ExhibitionId=864&ArtId=18281
This painting is part of a set of 6 called Sending Love. The idea that love can be sent through the ether is appealing and powerful. There is also an idea that if more people think of or meditate on peace and love there will be an affect on those areas of the world affected by conflict. It is often frustrating to think that we are powerless in the face of brutality and war. What can we, the average everyday person, do to make a difference? Very few of us have the skills to be placed in war situtations to save thousands.
The prospect that meditation and prayer can make a difference empowers people.
As I have mentioned before I will be donating 9% of exhibition sales to War Child Australia www.warchild.org.au With the help of people who buy my work I am hoping that my donations will assist in bringing some experience of peace and love to children affected by war.
Even small amounts of money [a practical way to send love] can make a difference.
Did you know that children as young as seven were abducted from their families and turned into soldiers in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Brutalised by war, they were abandoned to live rough on mean streets. But now, with help, they can be clothed, rehabilitated and re-united with their families (a time and patience-consuming process, ultimately worthwhile). $120 helps reunite one former child soldier with his or her family.
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